Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Wearing out the kids

We had fun today, and I sure made them tired. We went to Sugarhouse Park to play today. We were supposed to be meeting another mommy there at 10:30, but of course we were late, so it was closer to a little before 11. Mara was having so much fun with her new friend Jack, and I was enjoying chatting with his mom, so we ended up not leaving until 3. We had packed a lunch and everything, I just felt horrible that I forgot the sunscreen. Mara wore her jacket all day and was in the shade a lot, so she is good. But Asher has red cheeks and arms, and my face is a bit crispy. I just feel guilty. Bad mom. I guess it isn't too bad though.
After the park we went to pick up a prescription for me, then went home and had an early dinner of hot dogs and yummy cheeseburgers. After that we went out to Baskin Robbins for ice cream because it was 31 cent scoop night. Then it was home, bath, and bed. I love filling up the whole day, especially when Tim will be home late. It was a good day though. At least I got the kids nice and tired. They zonked out nicely tonight. :)

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