Monday, April 27, 2009

Lazy Sunday

Yesterday was a nice day. We woke up a little late (I miss church at 11 :( )so Tim went without us. I have been sick and Mara got it and since Asher was still sleeping we thought he may have been coming down with it and didn't want to wake him up, so I stayed home with the kids while Tim went and taught our class. When he came home, we decided to watch a movie as a family so I cut up some strawberries, popped some popcorn and we layed out a blanket in the family room and watched Wall E. When that was over we decided to watch the Lion King. It was nice because it was mainly an excuse for Tim and I to get some rest. Then we wasted away the rest of the gloomy day playing Mario Galaxies. Then we had yummy pot roast, mashed potatoes, carrots, and homemade rolls for dinner. It was a nice relaxing day though. Now today I have a lot of cleaning and laundry to do, and I have to go register Mara for school. Apparently they did kindergarden registration on the 17th, but I had no idea. I was going to wait until the summer. Oops!

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