Monday, April 27, 2009

Yay for me!

There is this window in the dining room that is painted shut that I have always wanted to get open. The big bay window in the dining room is unopenable, like, it don't even have hinges, they are just panes of glass. So I have always wanted to get this other window open because it can get kind of hot in the front of the house. And I finally got it open today, woo hoo! So exciting, but it was to me. I just need to get a screen for it. Small victory. :)
Anyway, I also registered Mara for school today, which was crazy. I felt so old when I was filling out the paperwork. I can't believe she is going to start school. Her school is year round, which I'm not sure how I feel about, but oh well. And they offer full day, which we originally didn't want to do, but otherwise she only goes for 3 hours, and that seems like kind of a waste. She gets out at noon on fridays as it is, so I put full day from 8-2:45 as my first choice. We go back in July for placement testing. The school seems nice though. It is brand new, and the ladies in the office were really friendly. School starts on July 30th, which kind of sucks because that is going to be RIGHT around the time I have the baby, so it'll be one big transition on top of another. I am excited though. I think she will enjoy it. I will definitely miss having her here to help with Asher, especially with the new baby coming, but oh well. Maybe the baby will help calm him down some. Ha ha.


Deb, Dave, and The Boys said...

Sounds like you have been busy lately! :)

megan said...

I totally understand the feeling old thing. Some of the papers I had to fill out for Nic, he actually had to sign himself!