Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Oh well, nevermind...

I went to the meeting tonight for the model search. We were selected to be participants in The Great American Model and Talent Search. They basically have a big convention of casting directors, fashion photographers and stuff, and you take your kid and they meet the people and get their pictures taken, and from there you see if they get any work. Only problem is, it is almost $700 to register, and they want at least $300 of it before tomorrow. Sounds fishy, but I don't feel that it is. i don't feel like typing out all the details of it, but there are everal valid reasons. It is substantially cheaper than it would normally cost for an opportunity to be in a room full of casting people, but we won't be doing it. As much as I would love to go and it would be fun if it was just me and Mara hanging out and staying in a hotel, we can't do that. Oh well, because I am pretty sure she has a good shot of getting at least a couple of jobs out of something like that. Sigh, if I only had a couple hundred dollars, lol. And we don't use credit cards otherwise I might actually consider using it.

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