Sunday, September 21, 2008

I am so freakin' excited!

I even changed my text color to orange, this is how jazzed I am.

I have been on the activities committee for my ward for over three years now. I actually had Sister Moffat comment to me today. She was the activities committee leader when I got on and she said she couldn't belive I was still on there. We are on the second person to do the job since her, and here I still am. The past year or so of events have pretty much been a large chunk of me. The Trunk or Treat for this year is pretty much ALL me. And I am getting very excited. I love Halloween. Between the ward party and the one Deb and I are going to throw (yes, Deb, let's do it!)I get to do lots of fun stuff and I just can't stand the wait. Halloween for me is starting the first week of October. I get all hot and bothered when I happen to accidently crosss paths with the Halloween baking supplies and crafts. I got a cookie embosser the other day with Halloween patterns and I can't wait to use it. My mother in law got me these cute mini cake pans last year I haven't gotten to use yet. Lots of stuff! Anyway, I'm getting sidetracked and excited about it again.

For the trunk or treat...We are doing a Halloween carnival thing. We are having a mad scientist/autopsy room, ghost bowling, guess the number of googly eyes, graveyard cakewalk, mummy wrap up relay, musical "scares" which is musical chairs but it will be...decorated. :) Put the wart on the witch, where the kids get to chew bubble gum and then try to put the "wart" on the witch, and a craft. And the funnest part is all the ideas were mine, I have been running the meetings, I'm buying all the stuff and telling everyone how I want it put together. :D I realize that it may sound like I'm bossy, but the past couple activities were still my idea, but the leader would pretty much still tell me what she wanted and I didn't have full creative license. But now I am running the show and the new activites keader is fine with letting me, she encourages it. :) It is just going to turn out great. It's making me consider being a party planner. I think I'd be good at that. I will be sure to get lots of pictures of how my event turns out, even though it is over a month away...

1 comment:

Deb, Dave, and The Boys said...

I am SO EXCITED for Halloween! :) It's going to be awesome!

And I like your ideas for the trunk or treat- it sounds like so much fun! :)