Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Yay for appointments

So I had an appointment today. I am 17 weeks, and my morning sickness has seemed to increase. Apparently I am the worst pregnant person ever. It's just not fair. I have at one point tried everything they have that may help me, and none of it really does anything. Some of it makes me more sick. Although I did get a prescription for Zofran, which I haven't had since I was pregnant with Mara, and I remember it helped a lot then. I think it's usually a last resort. When we got it with Mara, they told us it was something like $500 for a 30 day prescription, but with our insurance it was a $20 co pay. So since I've lost like 10 pounds and am having a hard time with pretty much eveerything, I get it again. I can't wait to take it in the morning. I hope it helps. It's usually given to patients going through chemo to help with nausea. I had a friend who got cancer around the time I had Mara, and she was given it but she said it didn't do much for her. So apparently it's not a huge help to cancer patients but it's sure a big help if you're pregnant. If it doesn't make me feel better, my doctor said we can talk about IV hydration. She said that it makes a lot of people feel tons better, but I still hope it doesn't get to that. It's just not fair. All the people I've known lately that are pregnant didn't get sick. I guess I'm just lucky. But on the bright side, I have one week until my ultrasound, yay!

I also got my van back today, woo hoo! I was extra excited because we were actually able to get the tags renewed right there at the shop, so I didn't have to spend the rest of my day at the DMV. It will be so nice to be able to go out and do stuff again during the day, once I don't feel so crappy. We are also looking into the possibility of buying a house. It sucks because our rent is a house payment, but it's the actual qualifying and down payment and crap that may stop us. We'll see though. I just want a yard that the kids can play in, and with Peanut on the way we could really use more room. And I hate my kitchen. But we decided as much as we want out of here, if we can't get a house then we will just stay. We'll have to move a lot of stuff around but it's better than the hassle of moving. That's what I keep telling myself anyway...


Michelle said...

Um yeah, I was right there with you...I had morning sickness the whole nine months. I took one Phenergan at night and one Zofran morning and one Zofran afternoon. Oh yeah, and I constantly sucked on lemon drops or peppermint candies, b/c constantly swallowing helped prevent the upward motion. That pretty much curbed the desire to barf all the time, which I did for a long time until I discovered this regiment. I kept thinking surely I wouldn't have nausea anymore, so I would stop the meds, and sure enough I would have to go back on the next day! Good luck! If the Zofran doesn't work on it's own, try the combo, it worked for me!

Emily said...

I hope you find some relief soon