Saturday, February 21, 2009

What a frustrating week. My doctor's office called on wednesday and said that my AFP test came back positive for Down Syndrome. That doesn't necessarily mean that the baby has it though. My ultrasound was the next day, so there were some extra tests and things for them to look for. When they started measuring, they said that my dates were off, which would have affected the test results. They pushed my dates back, which is highly frustrating, because now things just don't add up. It would put me as getting pregnant at a time when I just know I did not get pregnant. I'm sure of my dates and it just frustrates me when they say that they aren't right. Can't the baby just be small?? Plus, the little stinker had its legs tightly closed so we couldn't tell what it was. So I have to go back for another AFP blood draw next week, and another ultrasound next month. I'm not too anxious about the wait, because there's really nothing I can do about the results either way. It's still my baby. I was more anxious about finding out what it was, and now I'm just frustrated to be pushed back. And I feel that my results are going to be wrong again because the test has to be taken at a certain tmie period, which I don't think it will be. It'll be interesting to see if the sizes at the next ultrasound measure up to what they are saying I am.

Today was fun though. Our friend is having a baby in march and she had a baby shower today. I have actually never been to a baby shower before, well besides a charity one our mommies group had, and having never had one myself. And then tonight our ward is having a family dance that may be fun, we'll see. I haven't been in a very "fun" mood lately. But I'm sure the kids will enjoy it.

1 comment:

megan said...

So how did everything go with the second ultrasound?