Friday, February 27, 2009

Tim and I just could not stop laughing

I will try to explain this well, but I'm sure it won't be as funny to anyone else because it's not your kid and you weren't here to see her expression. Mara came in to our room with a tiny grape and said it was her baby grape. She said she wanted to keep it forever. I told her that it was a grape and it would rot eventually. She started to get a little upset and my husband asked what was wrong. I told her that she could keep it for a little while but then we would have to get rid of it, told her that a raisin was a grape, blah blah...trying to explain the concept to her.

I turn to my husband to explain what she is upset about and she starts to cry. We ask her why she is crying, I already told her she could hang onto it for a while. She looks up with tears streaming down her face and says, "I ate it."

We both cracked up laughing. After I told her it would rot, she ate it, but then I told her that she could hang onto it for a while so it upset her because she had already eaten it.

Like I said, doesn't sound that funny but in the moment and with her expressions, we just could not stop laughing.

1 comment:

Emily said...

Awwww thats so sweet