Wednesday, July 15, 2009

The week so far

Not much going on..I got to go see an advance screening of Harry Potter on tuesday afternoon. Thanks Deb! That was awesome. It got a bit rough near the end when I started to get tired of sitting, but it was much better than trying to go to a late show. I was just glad that I got to see early. It was awesome, I can't wait for the next two!
Today my mommies group was on Good Things Utah, which was way fun. I got to go be in the audience. It was a little sucky though because the audience just sits on bleachers and by the second commercial break I was fidgeting around and my legs were going numb. I finally had to stand up during one of the breaks, but then the hosts of the show told me my belly was cute and started talking to me. They asked when I was due, and if baby was just done with sitting on those bleachers, and then someone brought three extra little pads for me to sit on Of course I got all red because I hate having attention drawn to myself. It was a lot of fun though, and the ladies were really nice.
I have an appointment tomorrow, so I am looking forward to seeing if I am any further along than last week. I hope so. We have started the process of trying to move things around, so hopefully we get that done before the baby comes.


Deb, Dave, and The Boys said...

:) I am going to try to find a clip of your mommy's group. :)

megan said...

I can't believe that you're already ready to pop any day!!