Thursday, July 9, 2009

once a week

I am already down to appointments once a week. On one hand, I am so ready to have this baby. I see people with little babies and can't wait for mine. On the other hand, he can hang on as long as he wants. I have a lot of things to get done before he gets here and not enough time, energy, motivation, or opportunity in which to get it done. We need to move our room downstairs and move Mara into our room. In order to accomplish that, I need to clean out my craft room, which kind of became the "catch all" place, and Tim needs to clean out "his" room, aka the place where he has all of his toys and which will become our room. Asher is such a handful that I can never get much done. He sees me being busy as his opportunity to get into all the trouble he wants. By the time I ever have the opportunity to do things, (like once the kids are in bed) I am way to tired to get it done at that point. I keep waiting for nesting to kick in. I will welcome it. I did clean and rearrange the living room the other day though.

I did have an appointment today. I am offically at the point (with the pushed back due date) where they will not stop me if I go into labor, which is the worst waiting period EVER, knowing it could just happen at any time. My doctor is going to look over my dates and info, since they pushed me back three weeks. We both don't want there to be any issues or problems that arise from going too far past my due date. Since I had a c section last time they won't let me go past really, so we need to make sure we have an accurate-ish guess of when that really is. But I am almost at a 2, which is really nothing, but at least it's something, ha ha. And it should move along faster since it's my third. I just keep waiting and willing for my water to break. I hate the "any day now..."

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