Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Catching up

So the weekend was good. Friday Tim and I went out to Rodizio Grill for my birthday and my cousin Jacob watched the kids, which went surprisingly well. I was expecting Asher to freak, because he can get clingy. After dinner we came back and Tim, Jacob, and I attempted to play three hand pinochle all on our own. I think we did it mostly right. Saturday afternoon we had a family baptism, so that was fun. Tim's cousin's daughter just turned 8. Mara enjoyed spending time with her cousins and had a lot of fun. (actually, she has been baptizing her Barbies all morning, lol) Saturday night was Bunco. Sandra and I were ONE loss away from getting our money back. Oh well. I was in charge of bringing the candy for Bunco. I ended up grabbing the "people feeder" I made because it had candy in it and I thought I had had more to take. But a girl at Bunco ended up asking if she could buy three of them for me, so that was fun. I like knowing that my stuff is cool enough that people want to buy it from me. I also got a message from another person on my mommies board saying she was interested in buying three or four of them as well, so I may be spending another day painting.
Sunday was my birthday and church, so nothing exciting really happened there. Deb was a sweetheart and made me a cake, which tasted delicious. That was sweet, because I can't remember the last time I had a birthday cake, except for the ice cream one I bought for myself a few years ago.
Monday was a holiday so Tim was home, which was nice. We went to hunt down birdhouses for me to paint. We hit a little snafu when Mara upchucked in grandma's car, but I think we handled it well. I was sitting next to her in the back. She had said earlier that her tummy was sick. I think she was hungry and grandma is sort of a crazy driver, so I think she got carsick. But we got her cleaned up and bought her some new clothes and everything was fine. After that, we all went out to dinner, so it was a pretty nice day.
Yesterday, I survived 5 kids ages 5 and under. I always have my two and now I am watching my friend's daughter Starr. A girl from my ward called and asked if I could watch her two for a couple pf hours. It wasn't so bad. The kids had a lot of fun playing together and I didn't have to yell once. :)
Right now I am just listening to the girls play happily. Matt and I are going to a free movie screening tonight, which is our new "thing."
And that was pretty much our weekend. :)

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